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Claudia Walzak
Mar 8, 20235 min read
Demystifying The Chakras
In the midst of the great web of energies which make up this universe, each human being is a complex organism capable of interacting and...
Claudia Walzak
Jun 16, 20213 min read
Everything is Energy!
Science is slowly catching up with Yogis ancient knowledge. According to Quantum Physics we know that everything is energy and matter is...
Claudia Walzak
Apr 13, 20212 min read
The Great Awakening
Change always starts within. Nothing is what it seems and if we want to speak the truth we must rid ourselves of all mis-perceptions...
Claudia Walzak
Aug 4, 20202 min read
Conquer Your Mind, Reach Your Goals
The mind exists as a servant to the soul. But it can become a structure that limits us. It can be a blessing or a burden. It can be a...
Claudia Walzak
Jul 23, 20202 min read
What Are Mudras And What do they achieve?
A mudra is a position of the hands that seals and guides energy flow and reflexes to the brain. The hands are an energy map of our...
Claudia Walzak
Jul 16, 20203 min read
Pranayam: The Most Effective Tool For Good Health And A Higher Consciousness
Pranayam is the science of breath and pranayama is energy management, using rhythm and depth of the breath to effect and manage different...
Claudia Walzak
Jul 9, 20203 min read
What Is A Mantra And Why Is It Used in Yoga?
The goal of all Yoga is to raise our awareness and reach a higher state of consciousness. Sound is one way to achieve this and certain...
Claudia Walzak
Jul 2, 20202 min read
How is Kundalini Yoga different from other styles of Yoga? Why is it so effective?
There are many different Yoga styles and each emphasizes some facet of the whole. Some focus on the physical body, others on sound, or...
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