The World is Sound
Book Your Own Private Sound Bath (link at bottom of page) Or Join A Group Session
"When you think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration, you open up your mind to a whole new way of looking at the world." ~ Nikola Tesla
Everything in the universe is made up of energy, which vibrates at different frequencies and is constantly in motion. Even objects that appear to be stationary are in fact vibrating, oscillating, resonating, at various frequencies. The energy that we emit also vibrates at a certain frequency. Our thoughts and feelings are energy, and they vibrate at a certain frequency.
Sound has a direct connection to healing. Sound healing has ancient roots in cultures all over the world, and can help improve physical and emotional health and well-being.
Effectively reduces stress and anxiety
Relieves physical pain
Improves mental and emotional clarity
Cleanses and balances chakras
Stimulates the nervous & immune system
Every element of the universe is in a constant state of vibration manifested to us as light, sound, and energy. Every atom and molecule moves and has a vibration and therefore sound. The human senses perceive only a fraction of the infinite range of vibration. We live in an ocean of vibration. The collective sound of everything is know as "Ohm". As you vibrate, the universe vibrates with you.
Different sound frequencies have different effects on our consciousness and can trigger different things to induce self-healing.
During the sound bath you will experience different tools, each with unique vibrations, frequencies and benefits.
Wind Chimes
Wind River chimes emit a tone and resonance that has a calming effect, bringing peace to your environment while de-emphasizing unpleasant sounds in your surroundings.
The Gong
When we hear the gong for the first time, it challenges us to experience sound in a surprising and unique way. It is unlike any other musical instrument. The sound is unpredictable, non-linear and trans-spatial. After the strike of the mallet, the gong's sound swells and begins to decay smoothly. After the first decay, however the gong's sound returns of its own accord and builds to a second and even higher sound peak before finally fading away. Because of its returning sound, the gong produces a complex synthesis of blended overtones that allow the listener to hear in a completely new way.
As the returning waves build and produce intricate tones, the sound of the gong becomes so complex, so unpredictably translinear, the human mind is unable to categorize it, and instead we interpret or hallucinate the sound of the gong in our own personal way.
The gong creates sound waves that can interrupt the patterns of your busy, stressed minds and create better states of being. Similar to the relaxation you find just before sleep, the brain waves alter and this combined with the sound causes a ripple effect through the body.
Gongs have been used as shamanic healing tools, celebratory instruments, and a method of communication for thousands of years.
The gong is especially good for shifting stuck emotions as it produces a much deeper, more powerful sound than other instruments. The deep sounds of the gong naturally help you to arrive into a state of relaxation and meditation, releasing us from the torrent of thoughts our mind releases, and it stimulates the glandular system to a higher level functioning. It impacts the body and its meridians. It releases blocks, reduces tension, and stimulates circulation. It also strengthens the immune & nervous system. The result is a reorganization of the emotional energy and feelings that are tied into the body structure.
Gong baths allow your brain to relax into alpha-dominant and theta-dominant brain wave states. These are restorative states which allow your brain to store and process the events and experiences of a day. Alpha brainwaves are associated with creativity and feelings of relaxation. This state is followed by an influx of theta waves. Theta waves are associated with deep meditation, hypnosis, and REM sleep. The sounds from the gong can be very loud. The best way to embrace the gong is to surrender, relax, and let go. The gong is your guide and you will ride the waves of the sound current to a deep relaxing state.
Crystal Singing Bowls
Crystal singing bowls are made of pure quartz (essentially 99.8% silicon quartz) and sand in a spinning mold, in a process that heats the mixture to about 4000 degrees.
The body has a natural affinity to quartz. On a molecular level, our cells contains silica, which balances our electromagnetic energies. Crystal acts as an oscillator, magnifying and transmitting pure tone. As the sound affects brainwave activity one can enter into an altered state of consciousness. As different parts of the brain are affected through the different frequencies and vibrations, different hormones and neuro-chemicals are released.
It is believed that crystal singing bowls produce a vibrational sound that resonates with each chakra of your body. A series of pure crystal bowl therapy helps to re-balance your body to optimal health. This therapy transmits energy to your aura and directly affect your brain wave activity, supporting an improved state of consciousness.
The size of the bowl determines where in your body you feel it. Larger bowls of 12 inch and up feel deep in the earth below your body, in the lower level of your body and will make you feel very grounded.
Medium sized bowls are from 10 inch up to 12 inch, depending on the note. They are centering and are felt in the center of the body.
Smaller bowls from 6 inch to 9 inch are more high pitch and are felt in and around the head.
Each quartz singing bowl is digitally matched to the musical scale - C, D, E, F, G, A, B - which relates to different chakras of your body. The notes used for the bowls I have are the Solfeggio frequencies where A is 432Hz instead of 440Hz.
The xylophone which will be used during the sound bath is also tuned to the healing Solfeggio frequencies. Please check out my website HERE to learn more about Solfeggio frequencies and how the help to induce self healing.
Includes tune-in together, gentle warm-up exercises & short meditation, 45 min of pure sounds.
Sound Bath (Passes Available)
Wednesday August 28th, 7 - 8.15pam
In 174 Waikite Road, Welcome Bay
$20 Please use booking form on this page.
(5 session pass $89 available, valid for 12 months from date of purchase, please click on booking tab in main menu)
​Bookings and pre-payment essential.
For bookings submit the booking form.
Payment is due with booking. Please make payment into account no. 12-3143-0305729-59
Book Your Own Private Sound Bath
If you would like to book your own private customized sound bath, you can do so by clicking the button below. Please state the date and time you would like to make the booking for in the comments.
$69 for 1 hour sound bath for 1-3 people
Any additional people are $20 each. Max of 10.